
For using Relacx you need to the following resources,

React JS
React-Dom JS
Relacx JS

Since Relacx is a state manager for React, it requires React.js and React-Dom.js to be available
The current version of Relacx uses React version 16.0.0 and also supports React version 15.x.x

The resources can be loaded vis NPM or by script tags.

The resources available in the script tag below can be used or you can also visit React's official page and follow your choice of installation for both React and React-Dom.

by NPM npm install --save react npm install --save react-dom
by script tags
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Finally include Relacx JS

by NPM npm install --save relacx
by script tag <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


The following methods are available in the library :

  1. render
  2. component
  3. controller
  4. broadcastAction
Usage of render function
Parameter Type Description
COMPONENT React Component Any React element to be rendered. This will typically be your root element.
ELEMENT DOM node The DOM node into which COMPONENT needs to be rendered.
OPTIONS JavaScript Object 2 options can be passed into the parameter to initialize the component.

The following options are available to pass into the component to be rendered.

  • props - JavaScript Object
  • state - JavaScript Object


These are same as react props. Pass in a JavaScript object and use it in the component as


where PROPERTY_NAME is the any key in the passed props object.


The initial state of the component to be rendered. Provide a JavaScript object into this option, this object will be available in the component as


where PROPERTY_NAME is the any key in the passed state object.

The state value can be changed using the setState method of the component's controller.

Usage of component function
Parameter Type Description
COMPONENT React Component Any React element to be rendered. This will typically be your root element.
ELEMENT DOM node The DOM node into which COMPONENT needs to be rendered.
OPTIONS JavaScript Object 4 options can be passed into the parameter to initialize the component.

The following options are available to pass into the component to be rendered.

  • props - JavaScript Object
  • state - JavaScript Object
  • parent - Reference to parent Component
  • childPath - JavaScript String

props and state

They work the same way as described in the render function above.


If the state of the component needs to be maintained by its parent component, then a reference of the parent component needs to be passed along with the childPath.

By passing parent and childPath; setState method of the component will update the state of the parent.

By skipping the parent and childPath options, the component is independent of the parent's state.


This is the path of the data source for the component's state option.

i.e. the path from the parent's state to the component's state.

The path values are separated by a .(DOT)

Usage of controller function

The controller method is used to create a controller for a React component.

var CONTROLLER_NAME = Relacx.controller(COMPONENT);

The method accepts a React component for whihc the controller needs to be created.

In the syntax above,

CONTROLLER_NAME is any name you want to give to your controller.

COMPONENT the React component for which the controller needs to be made.

A controller can have three type of properties:

  • Action
  • BroadcastAction
  • ActionListener


Actions happening in a component can be controlled by the Action property. Components will require event handlers like click, keyPress, submit etc. to be used, for this purpose actions can be added to the controller.


Use the addAction method of the controller to add an action. The method takes 2 arguments,

  • ACTION_NAME : any string to recognize the action.
  • FUNCTION: a JavaScript function to be called when the action takes place

The actions are available in the component in props.controller property,

<COMPONENT onClick={this.props.controller.action("ACTION_NAME", ARGUMENTS)}>

"this.props.controller.action" method is used to access an action in the controller,

The first parameter in the action method is the name of the action to be used.

Any number of comma separated arguments can be passed after the action name which will be available in the function passed while creating the action.


BroadcastActions are the same as Actions with an additional functionality of broadcasting the result of the action to ActionListeners.


They are used the same way as Actions are used. The return value of the BroadcastAction will be provided to ActionListeners listening to the "ACTION _NAME".


An ActionListener is used to respond to other actions. Whenever an action is triggered, the action needs to broadcast it using the broadcast action method.

ContentController.addActionListener([ACTION_NAMES], FUNCTION);

The addActionListener method is used to listen to actions. The method takes in two parameters:

  • ACTION_NAMES: list of action name string
  • FUNCTION : a JavaScript function to be called when an action is broadcast.

read Usage of broadcastAction function for more details.

Usage of broadcastAction function

The broadcastAction method is used to inform other actions of a triggered event. This is an alternative to using BroadcastAction in the Controller. It can be used anywhere in your application.

Relacx.broadcastAction("ACTION_NAME", DATA);

Whenever an action takes place and you want to inform other actions of an event, then use the broadcastAction method to do so. Action listeners listening for the ACTION_NAME event will get triggered and the triggered function will receive 2 parameters, the ACTION_NAME and DATA from the broadcaster.

Support for Server Side Rendering and Hydrate

You can easily use React's server side rendering method 'renderToString' as shown below, just dont forget to include ReactDOM/server


The hydrate method is also supported in the same way.

ReactDOM.hydrate(Relacx.component(COMPONENT, OPTIONS), CONTAINER);